Sensorisk vandring: Listening for Meadow Times – Mosetræf 2024

Deltag i Sensorisk vandring: Listening for Meadow Times. Kom nærmere hinanden og mosens naturmiljø gennem fordybende aktiviteter guidet af de to facilitatorer Linda Lapiņa and Liene Jurgelāne.

Turen foregår på engelsk.

Mødested: Hvor Maglegårds Allé ender i Horsebakken (14.00-16.00).

Tilmelding påkrævet til Turen er ikke egnet for børn.

Facilitatorerne forklarer:

The walk will last until 16.00 and end by Langholmen, 15 minutes walking distance from where we started.

The purpose of the walk is to connect more deeply to the environment around Utterslev marsh, and its different senses of time. We will be spending some time with the plants around the marsh, at the same time gaining more awareness of the seasons and the weather, how they affect the more-than-human world, and how they might affect us.

Being more in touch with plant time enables a deeper appreciation of different ways of being in the world – also outside clock time (calendars, hours, minutes), career time (making it, production units, deadlines and work hours) or institutional time (opening and closing hours, lunch breaks) that, for many of us, structure large parts of our lives. Instead, we may feel inspired to sense into time before and after our human lifespan, the impact of the weather, or the cyclical time of the seasons. We will attune to each other and the environment through immersive activities, guided by the two facilitators.

The walk will be facilitated in English; however, as the main focus is on the senses we will not be speaking a lot. The walk is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible; but it will be accessible to different kinds of bodies, ages and energy levels. We recommend comfortable shoes and clothes that help you stay warm, depending on the weather (as we will also be still for some time).

Maximum 20 participants. Please register by writing an e-mail to